April 4, 2007

I Am Scruffy McGee, Internet Super Sleuth

You want? I find. You need? I find. You lost? I find. You speak in complete sentences and sound like a normal person? I hate.

I've been thinking about some of my college cohorts lately, and realizing how much I miss them. It's mostly my fault because I'm really awful about keeping in touch with people; I really need constant adult supervision 24/7.

So, Gumshoe LaQuita put on her sleuthing hat last night and went to work. I managed to round up the e-mail address of one of my classmates -- She goes by the name of Burrita Starr, nee Tim. I e-mailed Tim and he got in touch with me this morning. We caught up and had a great chat. He's also going to forward me another classmate's e-mail. She goes by the name of Betsy, nee Betsy. I'll have to pump him for more e-mail and maybe some methamphetamine later. I keed. (Seriously, where's my crack, ho? I need a fix. sssssh.)

I did have some help from Neil trying to locate another friend, but that didn't turn out as expected. Neil is waiting for the results and here they are. A strange woman answered the phone ... not like when you call 1-800-HOT-HOTT, but one of those strange women that might be wearing leopard print thongs under their acid washed jeans. That kind of strange.

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