July 27, 2007

Fuzz Overload

Watch this space for some pictures. We're dog sitting our friend Joy's Shih-tzu this weekend. Roxy and Ginger are great pals, so we're going to have to take pictures of the cute-overkill that's going to be going on at our place this weekend.

Function In Progress

Gamestop is now officially on my list. They were previously just 'on notice,' but they've been upgraded. Or would that be downgraded? Semantics, I suppose.

I was out running errands the other day and I walked into my local Gamestop (Bailey's X-roads for anyone's who's interested). The salesperson said hi to me when I entered and that's the only thing he said to me for the 15 minutes I was in the store. I tried to find the game I was looking for on the wall, but the place was such a mess I couldn't be sure that they didn't really have the game. I walked up to the counter to ask the salesperson about said game -- he was in the middle of an exchange. While I waited, a little rug rat ran up and started talking to him then ran off. Also, the salesperson's friend walked in and they started having a little powwow about how he wasn't going to work open-to-close tomorrow, and complaining about work in general. He finally finishes the return, the crazy rugrat runs back up cutting in front of the now 5 people waiting in line (I'm at the head of this line). The salesperson finds the other person working and tells him to man the register because he's going outside to hangout with his friend for awhile and then walks out. (I didn't even know there was another salesperson in the place because this guy looked like he was shopping for games.) Finally it turns out that his 'friend' is really the manager of another Gamestop in the area.

I was so fed up at this point, I just walked out of the store. I will not be shopping at a Gamestop ever again. It's really just the last in a long string of bad experiences I've had at Gamestop (notably, salespeople lying about release dates, lying about their available stock, trying to sell me damaged merchandise, trying to sell me used games as new games, and my favorite trying to scare me into pre-ordering a copy of a game with them because "you won't be able to find it anywhere else if you don't pre-order it with us.") From now on, I'll be buying all my games online or at Best Buy. I'll miss being able to pick up some used games on the cheap, but it's not worth it to me to do business with such a poorly run company.

In The Life

Netflix delivered Another Gay Movie to our house yesterday. After watching Who Wants to Be A Superhero the Major slapped this little bit of raunch into the DVD player. It's a few parts American Pie meets a few parts Date Movie meets ... In other words, it's a gay take on all the popular movies and spoofs that are out there.

All I have to say is that if you ever meet Graham Norton dressed up as a Dom Top and he happens to be calling himself 'Rodzilla' -- you're going to want to tell him that you definately do not like Belgian Chocolate.

July 23, 2007

Lazy, Hazy Lay-in

It was a very lazy weekend chez Condo this weekend. We didn't stir until at least 2, and we got lots of much needed rest and relaxation.

Friday night I went on an adventure to the Giant around 12:10 to buy allergy meds to combat the itchiness from the the percocet. While I was there I noticed I nice big pile of Harry Potter by customer service, so I helped myself to a copy. I am happy to report that it is an excellent book. Easily the best in the series. I may change my mind when I'm finished with the book. For now at the 200 page mark, I'm very pleased with it.

Saturday we took a trip down to the outlet malls. I picked up some new work clothes at the Ralph Lauren store, and they weren't too terribly expensive for once. Majorkins decided he wanted a palm tree while we were roaming Ikea, so we got one of those as well. We also spent a good deal of time at Best Buy. The Major bought a lot of stuff -- so I donated my $50 gift card to the war effort. And did you know that you can 'add memory' to Vista machine with a flash drive? I didn't, but I do now. My Vista laptop got a 2 GB boost to its memory thanks to the inventiveness of a certain special someone.

Sunday was pretty lazy too. We did manage to make it to a cook-out at a friend's place. We had a great time and it was nice to just relax and hang out with friends. And it helped that the food was really good. (Note to self: be sure to get invited to more parties at this place again.)

Given that we were so lazy this weekend, I'll have to do laundry sometime during the week. And get my car detailed. And get the oil changed. And get it washed. And I should probably clean the house too. I've let the Major's mess get completely out-of-hand.

July 18, 2007

Gen X for the win

I was reading this article the other day about how the boss-men are all irritated with Gen X and Gen Y employees. Basically, we're the worst 2 generations of ungrateful brats that have ever graced the planet. We're lazy, we're disloyal, we feel entitled, we're too informal, we're disrespectful, we dress like slobs and they don't want to hire us. [I'd look the article up and link to it, but yeah, I just can't be bothered to do that.]

Beside the obvious comment that every generation has said this about the generation that comes after them, there is just so much wrong with this. I'm like totally fer sure that all Gen-Xers and Gen-Yers are exactly the same. We all belong to a great hive mind that tells us when, where and how to irritate our higher ups. I don't know about you, but I get that information beamed into my head every night when I'm sleeping.

The way I see it is, I'm not lazy (although I can be). I prefer to work smartly. I'm not going to put in a ton of hours in the office for no compensation. I'm of the work to live camp, and I have a life outside of the office. I'll admit that I'm not particularly loyal to any employer. That's becaue I know they're out to get the maximum amount of work out of me for the least amount of money. And when push comes to shove, they'll can me if it helps the bottom line. Why should I be loyal to a company that isn't going to be loyal to me?

Don't get me started on ties and formal office wear. Wearing 'nice' clothes does not affect my ability to do my job. The only time this comes into play is when one is dealing with clients and the expectation is that you look nice. I'll dress up for that -- but to sit in my office and mess around with HTML? I'm not getting all dressed up. Also, don't expect me to respect you just because you have a great title. I'll respect you when you've proven to me that you're worth being respected. I'll treat you politely, and I expect that you do the same to me .... but I'm not going to lick your boots because you're the Executive Vice-Assmunch of Development and Tossed Salads.

Basically, what it boils down to for me is that some people are really mad that on the whole Gen X and Y have completely rejected the established idea of how the workplace should be. We don't want to put up the crap our parents had to put up with, we've seen that there is a better way to do things. I don't want to spend the best years of my life slaving away for a company and sacrificing things and then when I've retired enjoy myself. I want to be able to enjoy my life now, and I want to be able to enjoy my job. Which means that I'm aware of how much I'm worth, and I'll jump ship the minute any sort of crazy comes down the pike. I'm not a bad worker, or afraid of hard work. There's just a limit to how much I'll actually tolerate.

Shelter In Place

I am getting really sick of all the Harry Potter headlines all over the internet these days. Specifically, the headlines that say "ending leaked" or "entire text posted on BitTorrent" or "click here for spoilers" or "Who lives? Who dies?". Am I going to have to stay off the internet all together until after I finish reading this book?

I understand that some people just don't get the Harry Potter thing. I also understand that some people are just anti-social punks that like to ruin things for other people. But come on, these books have gotten pretty much the whole world to start reading again. Not to mention that J.K has made herself a very wealthy woman from the power of her imagination, and 10 years ago she was dirt poor and struggling. These idiots need to show some respect or I'm going to have to get a posse of people and go around clubbing punks in the crotch with the bristly end of an ice scraper.

July 16, 2007


Today's been a pretty good day. In no particular order:

--I purchased 3 new albums yesterday and I've been listening to them at work. So far, I like the Fey album the best.

-- I also downloaded a song from iTunes on Sunday which is now my new favorite song. It's "In These Shoes?" I heard it when I was watching Kinky Boots with the Major and really liked it, so I had to make it mine. And now it is mine. mine. mine. mine.

-- Neil apparently had a cheeseburger. He can has cheezebuger. Hope it was good Neil. LOLNeil is happy. I missed his IM because,

--I got free lunch at work today.

--And finally, my age is now divisible by 17 and 2. It was divisible by 11.

July 3, 2007

Pop Culture/English 101

What makes a case of diarrhea epic? I would argue that it's when it starts off as a head cold, that becomes a chest cold that morphs into a pseudo-sinus infection and then takes on qualities of the flu before hitting your lower GI tract that keeps you running to the restroom every 15 to 45 minutes for 2 days. Neil says that it's only epic when it hits 3 walls. Which begs the question: whose aim is that bad?

Certainly, I've felt like Frodo going to battle Sauron in Mordor the last few days every time I've shamefully walked into the bathroom. And my stomach has most definately been Reloaded and has had it's fair share of Revolutions, but you could argue that The Matrix really isn't an epic. I've certainly spent enough time in the potty parlor to have watched or read all of Gone with the Wind. So, if it's not epic, what is it?

Maybe it's something along the lines of The Canterbury Tales, The Heptameron, or El Conde lucanor. You know framework stories where there's a new tale each time but the idiots are still basically doing the same thing. Maybe it's episodic like Don Quixote. Today we're tilting at windmills, tomorrow we're wearing a pot on our head, but we're still having that pesky problem with our ass.

Most likely, as I'm blogging about the fact I've been sick as a dog and living in the restroom it can be qualified as a postmodern saga. Beowulf meets The Devil Wears Prada -- although that's really more a bildungsroman. Anywho, I'm off to take some Immodium and vanquish Graendal.