September 27, 2006

Thank You for the Music

Just a quick note to thank everyone that's come by over the past few days, cased the joint, and left a comment or 2!


I'll respond to some of the comments a little bit later. I'm playing catch up at work today, because I have to get a lot done before I leave at noon for my PT appointment -- which is on the other side of town (near my house), so I won't be returning to work once I'm finished with PT. Kind of sad that I have to leave at noon to make a 2:30 appointment, no?

And for the record, this is a no-trepanning zone. Ice cream scoops are used solely for ice-cream -- or feel free to club each other with them, I don't care. Just don't scoop each others' brains out. Because I really don't want to have to say:

Don't make me pull this blog over! If you don't stop trepanning your sister, we're going right back to the house and no Chuck-E-Cheese for you!


Anonymous said...

Awwwwww, DAD!

Anonymous said...

aw man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AJ said...

awesome. it sounds so real. :-D

And um, nothing like uk hot tub spam.

Anonymous said...

How the heck are you getting spam already? I've been up almost a year and I can't get anyone to comment-spam me!

AJ said...

I really don't know. I think it's kind of funny, but I'm sure that will change the more spam comments I get.

Anonymous said...

pisco, you have a lovely plug-in called akismet on wordpress -- it kills comment spam. :)

well... that and hello, your blog is on religion? i don't think cm almy likes you enough yet to send you liturgical garment pr0n.