I am not a morning person. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Roxy, however, loves the morning. She's hyper and happy. She thinks it's time to play and she's ready to romp. Most mornings I watch her with affection and she makes me smile. This morning I was tired and really not in the mood for it. Especially when I was walking her. She wasn't doing anything wrong, per se -- I just wasn't in the mood to deal with a ballfull of doggie energy.
We got back on the elevator on the lower level of the parking garage after her walk. She was pacing all around the elevator sniffing things, and just checking the environment out. I told her to "sit," and she ignored me. So I raised my voice and told her to "sit" again.
At this point, the door opened on the second level of parking garage. Roxy is standing next to me safely penned against the wall. Looking at me and wagging her tail. Still not sitting. The blonde swamp donkey outside the elevator takes one look at us, lets out a sigh like really stuck up people do when they realize they're going to have to interact with the 'public,' makes a mean face at me and Roxy and says rather rudely "I'll just have to take the stairs." And stomps off.
I just stood there rather stunned. We were in the back corner of the elevator and there was plenty of room. Roxy was on a short leash so there was no way she could have interacted with this woman. And the only reason why I raised my voice at Roxy was because she was being fidgety and I wasn't in the mood for it. Yet she still chose to treat us like pariahs. And like we had completely imposed on her.
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