May 31, 2007

Asshat Thy Name is TB-patient

So, I'm sure you've all seen the news about the asshole who's been continent jumping while carrying around a nice X-x-x-tremely drug resistant case of TB. Turns out that:

  • He's a lawyer (go figure)
  • His father-in-law studies TB for the CDC (i-r-on-y!)
  • This little bit of gallivanting was for his wedding/honeymoon

Call me old fashioned, but if I was diagnosed with TB I'd call of any plans and get myself treated. This asspirate knew before he left that he had a drug resistant strain of TB. But, because assmunches know better than their doctors, assknockers think they know that it's a-ok for them to travel all over potentially spreading TB-goodness to the masses. If a global pandemic of extremely drug resistant TB breaks out, I want to be first in line to cockpunch this assnugget.

Sign in the comments if you're with me. The queue starts there!


jen said...

with you 100%.

Jolie said...

I am not so much into the cock punching personally, but I know a guy, who knows a guy, you know. And if we play our cards right we may be able to get it televised on Fox.