Tricksy Sneaky
You've really got to keep an eye on those hurriwhos these days. For what seems like the billionth time this season, I've went to sleep and woken up to discover that a small tropical depression has marshalled it's forces and become a hurricane. Of course, this pleases me because I'm all about the edutainment. But it's also a bit scary that storms are intensifying this rapidly. I'm sure if hurricane Hermione or whatever the H-named storm is hadn't been so close to shore, it would have gotten stronger.
I am waiting patiently for depression #8 to form into a nameable storm. Because then we'll be that much close to seeing my namesake becoming a hurricane. Granted, for those of you that know my real name, the name will be misspelled ... but I can deal with that. I'm hoping it becomes a massive nasty evil storm that takes out everything from South Carolina to Mississippi.
Glad to see you left North Carolina out of your path of destruction. If you put NC in there, then I'd begin to worry that you had something against me.
Does your appetite for destruction know no bounds!?
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