March 13, 2008

This And That With AJ

Could you please not eat like a goblin? Roxy's been a happy girl lately. She's played a lot with her doggie friends, tried to bogart a puppy and got some nummy gravy on her food last night. Om, nom, nom, nom!

On being irrelevant: When I get old(er) and have completely lost any hip-ness or relevancy that I might have once possessed, I totally want to go on a racist tirade like Geraldine Ferraro. Besides, she looks like someone took a pure-bred Kimodo Dragon and tattooed eyebrows on it. Look at the good she does.

Voice-overs are cool: (This contains some NSFW language.)


Jo said...

I can't decide if this is sheer madness or shenanigans. Whatever it is, its bad, very very bad.

Anonymous said...

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Brian M. Conrad said...

WOw the people from Brazil, and all their telephone services, really like you a lot.

You will never lose relevance or coolness. You're gay, remember? That makes you impervious. Only straighties turn into our parents.

We only get more fabulous!