April 20, 2008


I decided to go on a shopping bender today. Some people go on drinking benders -- I used to be one of them until I found out that a) alcohol gives me migraines and b) I'm not allowed to drink alcohol while I'm taking my migraine preventative -- I have to think of other ways of blowing off steam.

It's been a craptactularly rainy day here (we were woken up at 8:30 by a massive lightning bolt/thunder clap right outside the condo, and it hasn't let up since), so it was a good day for it. I hauled the Major to the mall -- and let him feed first so he wouldn't be too whiny. Then I proceeded to overhaul my wardrobe. Even better, I didn't buy anything that was red, and I only bought one blue shirt. I'm branching out and exploring new colors and new options. The Scorpios will be happy to know I bought a grayish/tan guayavera looking thing with blue vertical stripes on the front.

Anywho, I'm so exhausted now ... but that's not going to stop me from reading porn to the blind.


Brian M. Conrad said...

Congratulations on your retail therapy! It's so fun to buy new clothes.

But I take it the major isn't one for the shopping, eh?

Jo said...

I bring greetings and approval from the Triad.
Retail therapy = Awesomeness
A desire for Alcohol Therapy = Terrific
Grayish/Tan purchases = Spectacular

All in all Aw'Spectacularificness