September 13, 2007

The Art of Being Ridiculous

It looks like there are some people out there who don't understand the definition of hate speech. Apparently, the concept of satirizing/mocking all those people who give their award speeches and thank God and Jesus now qualifies as hate speech. At least in the eyes of people who think Kathy Griffin shouldn't have said the things she did.

Personally, I think it was funny. I've often watched award shows and thought to myself why are all these people thanking God. It's not like the majority of them go to church or are particularly devout in their faith. It just seems like that's what you say when you win an award. Much like complimenting all the others who were nominated in your category and didn't win. Puh-lease. You know if you win the award you're thinking "I'm the best, that's right bitches" and if you lost you're thinking "damn, how did that no-talent heifer beat me."

I'm also angry that people would equate Kathy's words with hate speech, because they just don't get it. When you hear "homos are evil" and "you'll burn in hell" and "all fags should die" on a daily basis, you kind of get a good idea of what hate speech is -- and what it isn't. Kathy didn't hate anyone, she just made fun of a perceived hypocritical behavior. I think these idiots just need to get over themselves. Kathy's words would have been nothing more than a flash in the pan, but now that they've been highlighted it's sure that everyone is going to know about it.


Jo said...

Would u consider ur self one of "Kath'y Gay's?" or do you just hate stupid people more than you like Kathy

Brian M. Conrad said...

Kathy Griffin is so awesome. That speech was the funniest thing I ever heard. At the end of the day, this whole thing will blow over and it won't hurt her a bit.

Someone needs to smack these people with the giant tuna of reality anyway... Of all the things happening in the world right now, THIS is what these people are preoccupied with. Puh-leese.