September 24, 2007


Sorry I've been a little incognito of late. I had a touch of the flu earlier in the month. Then my neck really flared up and I had to get all my meds refilled. (And I was doing so well, and not taking any painkillers at all. le sigh). And to round out the triple play, I came down with a severe chest cold that was probably bronchitis.

Also, I've been working on some RL projects that have been absorbing a lot of my time. Way back when I was just a tiny AJ, my grandfather taught me the joys of cross-stitch. Everytime I'd go over to their house he was working on some piece, and it intrigued me. He won many awards at fairs for his works. I've kept with it over the years because it reminds me of him, and it's also one of the few 'arty' things I can do. I didn't get the drawing/painting gene that my grandmother seems to have. And I only got a moderate dose of the musical gene. That being said, I've been working on some Christmas presents -- hopefully, I'll finish them before December 25.

Finally, I've rediscovered the joys of Tad Williams' series Otherland. I'd forgotten how much I loved these books when they came out. So, I've been reading them. Oh, and I finally rounded up Bones Season 2 on DVD ... so I've been watching that.


Jolie said...

"moderate dose of the musical gene" I have seen you dance. I wouldn't call that moderate.

AJ said...

Methinks you're confusing the music gene with the rhythm gene. I'll freely admit I got hosed when it comes to rhythm. But not as hosed as the Major.

Dave said...

LaQuita gots no rhythm! *points and laughs*

AJ said...

And I'm sure that ePiscarella has tons of rhythm, no?